
Harmondsworth Primary School

Learning Together


The School Curriculum

Through a diverse and exciting curriculum, Harmondsworth Primary School pupils develop skills in all areas of the National Curriculum as well as a love of learning. We have developed a curriculum which is broad, balanced, exciting and enjoyable to ensure that the children enjoy a practical, fun, challenging learning experience that will prepare them for life in 21st Century Britain.



We intend for our curriculum to:

  • Enable all children to learn and develop their skills to the best of their ability.
  • Facilitate children’s acquisition of knowledge, skills and qualities which will help them to develop intellectually, emotionally, socially, physically and morally, so that they may become independent, responsible, adaptable, confident and considerate members of the community.
  • Promote a positive attitude towards learning, so that children enjoy coming to school and acquire a solid basis for lifelong learning.
  • Create and maintain an exciting and stimulating learning environment where all pupils are encouraged to be risk takers and develop creative thinking.
  • Develop a culture of enquiry.
  • Develop children’s resilience in a happy and safe learning environment.
  • Enable children to be positive citizens in society.
  • Enable all children to have respect for themselves and high self-esteem, and to be able to live and work co-operatively with others.
  • Encourage respect for the environment
  • We aim to close the vocabulary gap.

The School has Policies and Schemes of work for all areas of the curriculum, according to the requirements of the National Curriculum.  These are periodically reviewed and revised accordingly. 

Careful planning and monitoring of pupils' work ensures continuity and progression
throughout the school.  Each pupil has access to all areas of the National Curriculum and is encouraged to work to his/her maximum potential.  On-going teacher assessment with the identification of future learning targets, together with the statutory national Standard Assessment Tests at the end of years two and six, and optional tests in Years 3, 4 and 5, to promote  achievements and standards within the school.


You can also ask to speak to your child's class teacher to find out more. 

The core subjects are:-


  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Computing 


The Foundation subjects are:-


  • Design Technology
  • Physical Education
  • History
  • Geography
  • Art
  • Music
  • Spanish



Our Senior Leadership Team (SLT) take responsibility for the overall curriculum design. This is achieved through working with Subject Leaders in ensuring that highest standards for each subject are achieved. Continuous Professional Development ensures that teachers’ secure subject knowledge and pedagogy.

The design of our curriculum is focused on fulfilling the objectives of the National Curriculum and our aims and drivers. These include in particular:

  • Developing children who are resilient, adaptable and prepared to take risks 
  • Providing children with a broad range of memorable experiences and a thirst for learning
  • Securing knowledge and developing transferable skills
  • Developing deeper level thinking
  • Working in partnerships


The success of our curriculum is measured through regular monitoring of the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding by Subject Leaders and SLT using observations and outcomes of children’s work. Coverage, pitch, progression and assessment are integral to this monitoring and determine how well our children are achieving. Subject Leaders are equipped by SLT to carry out internal research to gain a thorough understanding of the standards in their subject. Pupil and teacher voice are highly valued and we measure the progress and attainment of all groups of children.


Out key impact measures are:

Children make progress and attain in line with or better than national expectations.  They are given opportunities to achieve the greater depth standard.  Assessment documents show that knowledge and skills are embedded throughout the curriculum.



Children are confident and successful learners, demonstrating learning values, and make the right choices for their learning. The learning values have progression, which provide challenge.


Personal Development

Children demonstrate our values in their learning and in their behaviour in and around school.  Children learn to make the right choices for their safety.
The choices children make benefit the school and local community.


Assessment, Recording and Reporting

Assessment is the responsibility of the class teacher and is in line with our Assessment Policy. However, teachers will use informal assessment and observation on a daily basis to determine what children can do independently and therefore plan for next steps for learning.

Data is regularly analysed by class teachers and Subject Leaders in conjunction with SLT to identify trends and patterns in individual pupil’s data, groups of children and the school’s performance.

Parents are encouraged to attend the two Parent Teacher Consultation Evenings in the first half of the autumn and spring terms, with an Exhibition Evening at the end of the academic year. In addition, they receive a detailed school report in July, which outlines the child’s achievements during the year, how they achieved in relation to the end of year expectations and how they can improve and develop in the future. 


Assessment and Reporting

Teachers assess by:

  • Observation of pupils at work.
  • Discussion with pupils about their work.
  • Review of pupils books
  • Insight assessment grids linked to the progression of skills
  • Teacher’s reports to parents at the end of each year and on open evenings when necessary.


Pupil Assessment

Children self -assess by evaluating their own work and that of peers.


Equal Opportunities

The curriculum is taught to all ages and abilities and every child is considered capable of a unique and valued response. Children’s work is valued and we encourage a sense of pride and achievement.


The school follows the Little Wandle Phonics scheme to deliver phonics throughout the school.
Religious Education
The school follows the London Borough of Hillingdon SACRE.

Our broad aims in the teaching of Religious Education are:-

  • To enable children to grow in awareness of themselves and to develop a positive attitude to their own emotions, life and learning.
  • To make children aware of others and to develop relationships in a secure and tolerant setting.
  • To develop their interest in and their ability to reflect upon the world around them.
  • To clarify and enlarge their ideas about religion.

Each half term we will send home curriculum overviews and a newsletter.

Curriculum Information

Music Development Plan
